Quick Facts
Service type: Career Development Program
Type: In-person/Online
Location: TNO-Thorncliffe Park Community Hub, 45 Overlea Blvd, Unit 200, Toronto, M4H 1C3.
Service type: Career Development Program
Type: In-person/Online
Location: TNO-Thorncliffe Park Community Hub, 45 Overlea Blvd, Unit 200, Toronto, M4H 1C3.
The Road to Employment program is designed to equip professional job seekers who are new to Canada, with a particular focus on women, to navigate the post-COVID-19 job market effectively. This program helps participants identify and achieve their career goals through comprehensive training and support.
Key Features of the Program:
The program not only aims to enhance individual employability but also promotes the integration of newcomers into the Canadian workforce.
Check out our calendar to find upcoming program, workshops, and events.
Professional job seekers who are new to Canada, especially women, Individuals seeking to enhance their skills and adapt to the Canadian job market.
Location: TNO-Thorncliffe Park Community Hub, 45 Overlea Blvd, Unit 200, Toronto, M4H 1C3.
Name: Sadia Zafar
Manager, Language and Skills Development
Phone: 416-467-0126 ext. 1224
Email: szafar@tno-toronto.org