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TNO – The Neighbourhood Organization

TNO @ park

Bill of Rights

Everyone at TNO – The Neighbourhood Organization has the right to:


  1. Be treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.
  2. Expect that the organization will offer services that are responsive to service user’s needs and delivered in such a way that strives to eliminate any form of discrimination such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, financial ability, disability or age.
  3. Have information relating to his or herservice plan kept confidential in accordance with the law.
  4. Accessinformation kept in the client’srecord and clientservice plan according to TNO-The Neighbourhood Organization policy.
  5. Request service in the languages of choice, recognizing that the organization will not always be in a position to provide service in the language of choice.
  6. Service free of mental, physical, emotional, sexual or financial abuse.
  7. Refuse service where the client has been informed of and understands the effect of refusing the service.
  8. Be informed of TNO-The Neighbourhood Organization’s rules and policies that affect the service provisions.
  9. Be informed of the procedure for initiating complaints about service without fear of reprisal.

Share your experience with us

Let us know your questions, suggestions and concerns by filling out the form below.

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